Who is this Josie Brown everyone’s talking about?
Okay.. There’s a slight chance you haven’t been hearing my name everywhere… Although if you’re browsing this website you’ll see my name a lot!
I’m Josie and I love creating awesome websites for small businesses. I am an Australian web designer and I have been building websites since 2012.
I have 3 small children who like to occupy most of my non-work time, although I’m trying to fit in some self-care too (any clients who book me in for a massage mid-project get bonus points! Although this hasn’t happened as yet, I’m very open to the idea and it may catch on).
I am trying to learn to crochet in my “spare time”, my current record is 3 granny squares, but I hope to beat this record some day soon.
I live in sunny Canberra (which, as I write this has been frosty and foggy most mornings, but it does get hot in the summer too, so there is some good season differentiation).
I started with my own e-commerce stores using Magento and WordPress. This gave me incredible knowledge of the day-to-day complexities of running an online store, which I now put to good use for my clients.
I now build all websites using WordPress, as I believe it is the platform that provides the most flexibility and functionality for small businesses. WordPress is hugely popular (powering over a quarter of all websites) which means it is always being updated and there are so many plugins written that it is likely that most features aren’t too far out of reach.
For me, web design isn’t just about running a business. It’s about using my skills and knowledge to create something beautiful that can do what is needed and will make people proud of their business when they send people to their website. It’s also about using the time I have away from kids to do something I love. It’s about that feeling of accomplishment and pride that comes from being able to help someone to either create or fix a website so that they can focus on what they do best (their business) and I can help out with what I do best.
I recently read an article stating that money can’t buy happiness, but there are 3 things money can do that does make people happy. Having experiences or holidays, purchasing time (outsourcing) and spending money on somebody else. I like to think that by saving people time when I create and maintain websites, this is helping to add happiness and contentment to their lives (and most small business owners will know how important time is). If you want to boost your happiness level even more, there is a subtle suggestion in the third paragraph on this page.
If you think you’d like to work with me and would like to be in contact, send me through a note and we can chat to see how I can help you and your business.
Why work with me
I have also worked in the IT industry, providing support services to schools and working for the Australian Government.
To see work examples, check out my ever expanding portfolio
I'm Local
I’m based in Canberra, Australia and I’m very happy to meet up with local businesses to discuss your needs in person. If you are based elsewhere in Australia, no problem – we can sort everything out via phone, email, zoom or a combination of all three.
For your peace of mind, I’ll provide you with a hosting service based in Australia, so there’s no worries about waiting for the provider to come online to get a response.